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Couderay, Sawyer County, Wisconsin, USA


Wikipedia 2016:

Couderay is a village in Sawyer County, Wisconsin, United States, along the Couderay River. The population was 88 at the 2010 census. The village is located within the Town of Couderay.

Couderay is home to Al Capone’s northwoods hideaway, a tourist site called "The Hideout." The Hideout was purchased in the spring of 2010 by the Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Tribe after bankruptcy hearings for the previous owners.

Ort : Geographische Breite: 45.7955133, Geographische Länge: -91.3068303


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   Nachname, Taufnamen    Tod    Personen-Kennung 
1 Brandner, Ernest Elmer  1 Mai 1995Couderay, Sawyer County, Wisconsin, USA I158358